1. Pemasangan peralatan elektik dalam dan luar rumah seperti,lampu pagar,
kipas, Lampu hiasan dan lain-lain
kipas, Lampu hiasan dan lain-lain
2. Membuat point baru, pendawaian baru bagi lampu dan kipas
3. Pemasangan dan pendawaian switch soket, power socket 13Amp.
4. Menyusun atur, ganti, atau pemasangan baru DB, MCB panel single / 3 phase
5. Pendawaian baru bagi rumah / pejabat.
6. Kerja kerja troubleshooting (Membuat pemeriksaan pada pendawaian dan litar-litar yang bermasalah.)
7. Membuat pindahan meter dan DB (biasanya selepas renovation rumah)
8. Membuat point baru untuk air-cond dan D.O.L starter
Encik fakhrul : 0125992192 @0162166929
Encik faizal : 0148443148
Cik Idayu : 0148443146
Sila sms sekiranya kami tidak mengangkat panggilan. Kami akan membuat panggilan semula dengan secepat mungkin. Terima kasih kerana sabar menunggu.

We are servicing for electrical wiring, home and office (domestics wiring). Our services are:
1. Installation of electrical equipment (in and outside the home) such as light fencing,
fans, lights and other decorations
fans, lights and other decorations
2. Create a new point, new wiring for lights and fans
3. Installation and wiring for switch socket, 13Amp power socket.
4. Laying out, replace, or install a new DB, MCB’s panel (single / 3 phase )
5. New wiring for the home / office
6. Troubleshooting works (checks on the wiring and circuits.)
7. Transfer meters and DB (usually after the renovation the house)
8. Create a new point for air-conditioner and D.O.L starter
If you experience problems like the above and require the services and assistance, please call immediately for an appointment and nego for a fair asking price:
Mr fakhrul: 0125992192 @ 0162166929
Mr faizal: 014-8443148
Ms Idayu: 014-8443146
Mr faizal: 014-8443148
Ms Idayu: 014-8443146
Please sms if we do not take the call. We will call back as soon as possible. Thank you for your patient