Cousin aku
"A real cousin (or friend) is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out. Cousins are different beautiful flowers in the same garden.Cousins by blood - friends by choice.Cousins are those childhood playmates who grow up to be forever friends."
i have cousin name Naroydah... or her nick name is Aroy. I always call my cousin because we’re so close. We’re almost like sisters, and we’re also close because our moms are sisters.ok roy aku da enterprem ko neh kt blog ni banje aku stoking spongebob x kire.harharhar....
ok2...cukup2...skg nk cite psl aroy dan ayu, aku dan die,cousin and me,sepupu dan sepupu,kupu2,...ok titik.

ok2...cukup2...skg nk cite psl aroy dan ayu, aku dan die,cousin and me,sepupu dan sepupu,kupu2,...ok titik.

harap maaf ye...pic di atas menunjukkn budak kecik yg mcari bju dalam.sebelah kiri tu muke die mcm tu cz x suke amek nk wt cane..da femes sgt...yg kanan tu mmg kaki gmba.pntang nmpk camera beb...manjang nk posing.
sila jawab soalan ini
korang teka mne aroy?
e)x de jwpn
f)sume di atas
g)maleh nk jwb
agagaga...roy... ko jgn bocorkn jwpn..aku thu ko ngh bce entry ni....
about aroy:
cute..(ye ke?)..ekeke...baye aku...mse kecik smpai beso kitorg close....kuat x gemuk2 pn...npe pnggil aroy?..suke ati aku kg aku pnggil aroy....aku pn ikut je....close ngn tok unggal aku....skg da kije....da berpunye kot...aku x sure sgt la.....time aku diploma lu byk share cite ngn die....time dip die amek account....hustler account/math wooo....member gelak kuat2 smbil kentut....sempoi....ape lg aa....roy...ko tmbah sndiri nnti ea.
sila jawab soalan ini
korang teka mne aroy?
e)x de jwpn
f)sume di atas
g)maleh nk jwb
agagaga...roy... ko jgn bocorkn jwpn..aku thu ko ngh bce entry ni....
about aroy:
cute..(ye ke?)..ekeke...baye aku...mse kecik smpai beso kitorg close....kuat x gemuk2 pn...npe pnggil aroy?..suke ati aku kg aku pnggil aroy....aku pn ikut je....close ngn tok unggal aku....skg da kije....da berpunye kot...aku x sure sgt la.....time aku diploma lu byk share cite ngn die....time dip die amek account....hustler account/math wooo....member gelak kuat2 smbil kentut....sempoi....ape lg aa....roy...ko tmbah sndiri nnti ea.