Sunday, April 11, 2010
50 common interview question
answer them. Read the questions listed; you will also find some
strategy suggestions with it.
(Excerpted from the book The Accelerated Job Search by Wayne D. Ford, Ph.D, published by The Management Advantage, Inc.)
1. Tell me about yourself:
The most often asked question in interviews. You need to have a short
statement prepared in your mind. Be careful that it does not sound
rehearsed. Limit it to work-related items unless instructed otherwise.
Talk about things you have done and jobs you have held that relate to
the position you are interviewing for. Start with the item farthest
back and work up to the present.
2. Why did you leave your last job?
Stay positive regardless of the circumstances. Never refer to a major
problem with management and never speak ill of supervisors, co-workers
or the organization. If you do, you will be the one looking bad. Keep
smiling and talk about leaving for a positive reason such as an
opportunity, a chance to do something special or other forward-looking
3. What experience do you have in this field?
Speak about specifics that relate to the position you are applying for.
If you do not have specific experience, get as close as you can.
4. Do you consider yourself successful?
You should always answer yes and briefly explain why. A good
explanation is that you have set goals, and you have met some and are
on track to achieve the others.
5. What do co-workers say about you?
Be prepared with a quote or two from co-workers. Either a specific
statement or a paraphrase will work. Jill Clark, a co-worker at Smith
Company, always said I was the hardest workers she had ever known. It
is as powerful as Jill having said it at the interview herself.
6. What do you know about this organization?
This question is one reason to do some research on the organization
before the interview. Find out where they have been and where they are
going. What are the current issues and who are the major players?
7. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
Try to include improvement activities that relate to the job. A wide
variety of activities can be mentioned as positive self-improvement.
Have some good ones handy to mention.
8. Are you applying for other jobs?
Be honest but do not spend a lot of time in this area. Keep the focus
on this job and what you can do for this organization. Anything else is
a distraction.
9. Why do you want to work for this organization?
This may take some thought and certainly, should be based on the
research you have done on the organization. Sincerity is extremely
important here and will easily be sensed. Relate it to your long-term
career goals.
10. Do you know anyone who works for us?
Be aware of the policy on relatives working for the organization. This
can affect your answer even though they asked about friends not
relatives. Be careful to mention a friend only if they are well thought
11. What kind of salary do you need?
A loaded question. A nasty little game that you will probably lose if
you answer first. So, do not answer it. Instead, say something like,
That’s a tough question. Can you tell me the range for this position?
In most cases, the interviewer, taken off guard, will tell you. If not,
say that it can depend on the details of the job. Then give a wide
12. Are you a team player?
You are, of course, a team player. Be sure to have examples ready.
Specifics that show you often perform for the good of the team rather
than for yourself are good evidence of your team attitude. Do not brag,
just say it in a matter-of-fact tone. This is a key point.
13. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?
Specifics here are not good. Something like this should work: I’d like
it to be a long time. Or As long as we both feel I’m doing a good job.
14. Have you ever had to fire anyone? How did you feel about that?
This is serious. Do not make light of it or in any way seem like you
like to fire people. At the same time, you will do it when it is the
right thing to do. When it comes to the organization versus the
individual who has created a harmful situation, you will protect the
organization. Remember firing is not the same as layoff or reduction in
15. What is your philosophy towards work?
The interviewer is not looking for a long or flowery dissertation here.
Do you have strong feelings that the job gets done? Yes. That’s the
type of answer that works best here. Short and positive, showing a
benefit to the organization.
16. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?
Answer yes if you would. But since you need to work, this is the type
of work you prefer. Do not say yes if you do not mean it.
17. Have you ever been asked to leave a position?
If you have not, say no. If you have, be honest, brief and avoid saying
negative things about the people or organization involved.
18. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization
You should be anxious for this question. It gives you a chance to
highlight your best points as they relate to the position being
discussed. Give a little advance thought to this relationship.
19. Why should we hire you?
Point out how your assets meet what the organization needs. Do not
mention any other candidates to make a comparison.
20. Tell me about a suggestion you have made
Have a good one ready. Be sure and use a suggestion that was accepted
and was then considered successful. One related to the type of work
applied for is a real plus.
21. What irritates you about co-workers?
This is a trap question. Think real hard but fail to come up with
anything that irritates you. A short statement that you seem to get
along with folks is great.
22. What is your greatest strength?
Numerous answers are good, just stay positive. A few good examples:
Your ability to prioritize, Your problem-solving skills, Your ability
to work under pressure, Your ability to focus on projects, Your
professional expertise, Your leadership skills, Your positive attitude
23. Tell me about your dream job.
Stay away from a specific job. You cannot win. If you say the job you
are contending for is it, you strain credibility. If you say another
job is it, you plant the suspicion that you will be dissatisfied with
this position if hired. The best is to stay genetic and say something
like: A job where I love the work, like the people, can contribute and
can’t wait to get to work.
24. Why do you think you would do well at this job?
Give several reasons and include skills, experience and interest.
25. What are you looking for in a job?
See answer # 23
26. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?
Do not be trivial. It would take disloyalty to the organization,
violence or lawbreaking to get you to object. Minor objections will
label you as a whiner.
27. What is more important to you: the money or the work?
Money is always important, but the work is the most important. There is
no better answer.
28. What would your previous supervisor say your strongest point is?
There are numerous good possibilities:
Loyalty, Energy, Positive attitude, Leadership, Team player, Expertise,
Initiative, Patience, Hard work, Creativity, Problem solver
29. Tell me about a problem you had with a supervisor
Biggest trap of all. This is a test to see if you will speak ill of
your boss. If you fall for it and tell about a problem with a former
boss, you may well below the interview right there. Stay positive and
develop a poor memory about any trouble with a supervisor.
30. What has disappointed you about a job?
Don’t get trivial or negative. Safe areas are few but can include:
Not enough of a challenge. You were laid off in a reduction Company did
not win a contract, which would have given you more responsibility.
31. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.
You may say that you thrive under certain types of pressure. Give an
example that relates to the type of position applied for.
32. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?
Probably this one. Do not give fuel to the suspicion that you may want
another job more than this one.
33. What motivates you to do your best on the job?
This is a personal trait that only you can say, but good examples are:
Challenge, Achievement, Recognition
34. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends?
This is up to you. Be totally honest.
35. How would you know you were successful on this job?
Several ways are good measures:
You set high standards for yourself and meet them. Your outcomes are a
success.Your boss tell you that you are successful
36. Would you be willing to relocate if required?
You should be clear on this with your family prior to the interview if
you think there is a chance it may come up. Do not say yes just to get
the job if the real answer is no. This can create a lot of problems
later on in your career. Be honest at this point and save yourself
future grief.
37. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead ofyour own?
This is a straight loyalty and dedication question. Do not worry about
the deep ethical and philosophical implications. Just say yes.
38. Describe your management style.
Try to avoid labels. Some of the more common labels, like progressive,
salesman or consensus, can have several meanings or descriptions
depending on which management expert you listen to. The situational
style is safe, because it says you will manage according to the
situation, instead of one size fits all.
39. What have you learned from mistakes on the job?
Here you have to come up with something or you strain credibility. Make
it small, well intentioned mistake with a positive lesson learned. An
example would be working too far ahead of colleagues on a project and
thus throwing coordination off.
40. Do you have any blind spots?
Trick question. If you know about blind spots, they are no longer blind
spots. Do not reveal any personal areas of concern here. Let them do
their own discovery on your bad points. Do not hand it to them.
41. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for?
Be careful to mention traits that are needed and that you have.
42. Do you think you are overqualified for this position?
Regardless of your qualifications, state that you are very well
qualified for the position.
43. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?
First, if you have experience that the interviewer does not know about,
bring that up: Then, point out (if true) that you are a hard working
quick learner.
44. What qualities do you look for in a boss?
Be generic and positive. Safe qualities are knowledgeable, a sense of
humor, fair, loyal to subordinates and holder of high standards. All
bosses think they have these traits.
45. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute betweenothers.
Pick a specific incident. Concentrate on your problem solving technique
and not the dispute you settled.
46. What position do you prefer on a team working on a project?
Be honest. If you are comfortable in different roles, point that out.
47. Describe your work ethic.
Emphasize benefits to the organization. Things like, determination to
get the job done and work hard but enjoy your work are good.
48. What has been your biggest professional disappointment?
Be sure that you refer to something that was beyond your control. Show
acceptance and no negative feelings.
49. Tell me about the most fun you have had on the job.
Talk about having fun by accomplishing something for the organization.
50. Do you have any questions for me?
Always have some questions prepared. Questions prepared where you will be an asset to the organization are good. How soon will I be able to be productive? and What type of projects will I be able to assist on? are
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Kata-kata bijak yang disalah ertikan
1. Wang bukan segalanya.
Masih ada Mastercard dan Visa.
2. Di belakang setiap lelaki yang berjaya ada seorang wanita .
Di belakang setiap lelaki yang tidak berjaya ada dua atau lebih wanita.
3. Cintailah jiran tetangga.
Tetapi jangan sampai tertangkap basah.
4. Kita seharusnya menyayangi binatang.
Rasa mereka lazat.
5. Semakin banyak belajar, semakin banyak yang kita tahu.
Semakin banyak yang kita tahu, semakin banyak yang kita lupa.
Semakin banyak yang kita lupa, semakin sedikit yang kita tahu.
Jadi kenapa kita sibuk belajar ?
6. Latihan membuat kita menjadi sempurna
tapi tidak ada manusia yang sempurna,
jadi buat apa kita susah payah berlatih?
7. Belajar menjadikan kita pintar
pintar buat kita sukses
sukses buat kita kaya
kaya buat kita sombong
sombong di benci oleh tuhan
8. Berkahwin dengan wanita yang cantik tak semestinya bahagia
apalagi yang buruk….ngeh3X
Sunday, March 21, 2010
di mlm yg sunyi nyi nyi...(sile smbung)
dats y aku suke gayut ngn mak aku so ley la aku duk nanges2 ngn mk ps2 kne dgr crmah mak yg pjg lebar.then mk mmg suke ble dgr aku nk balik...snang kn....t de org tlg die kt kantin tu...aduhh...aku balik nk rileks...x pe2...demi mu IBU...
guess wat...aku x caye yg aku da ley gurau senda ngn SV aku...ceh....btol ke x aku ni....but....bgus la...even die cm garang...aku respect die cz die de effort nk ajar aku tnpa jemu.x kisah la kne mrh tu.da lali dlm hdup aku
coding puaka!
1st: mse aku ngh debug error, tetibe rse nk terkucil cz mnum air cap milo byk sgt pg tu. lalu tnpa sempat aku meng log off pc, aku bergegas menuju ke tmpt yg slalu aku singgah.kebetulan pintu toilet lelaki n pmpuan mmg sme n x de sign.dr jauh aku da nmpk de sign "cleaning progress" akak cleaner ngh cuci...x pe biasenye die bg je aku msuk. dgn muke selambe aku msuk dan..............
aku heran gile tgk susun atur tndas yg before ni aku slalu msuk. dlm hati "cpt beno kakak ni ubah susun atur toilet siap de tmpt utk buang yg lelaki pnye"....tibe2....
kakak cleaner: "kak tndas lelaki kak....akak ngigau ye kak"
aku:"....(terpegun melihat susun atur tndas)...lmbt respons ckit...." ke..aa la...padan laen je kt dlm"...
kakak cleaner: tndas pmpuan kn sblh akak slalu msuk
aku: lpe la dik.
2nd:blik kije da dkt nk mlm.....weekend kne kje cz byk ag function x siap...deadline da dkt....mlm tu aku x de mood...aku tdo dgn x mndi nye...bngun2....mamai...siap2 mndi spt biase aku nk pkai contact lens....tetibe cntct lens aku ilang dlm mata...pedih beb pedih...melilau mata aku cr dlm mata...dlm 15 mnit cr kt mata x jmpe...aku pasrah....g je kje dgn drive buta sblh mata.sblh pgang stering sblh tutup mata.smpai ofis aku trus g clinic yg mne aku di bedah oleh 3 org tipu...bkn bedah...diorg check scr berjemaah.bleh la diorg bg aku ubt kebas mata....if uols nk cucuk mata aku pn x rse sakit....seyes beb.hmpir sejam usaha mereka x jmpe jg....then mlm tu cntct lens aku bru kuar dgn bntuan kipas angin nabilah.ALHAMDULILLAH
gitu la hikayat coding puaka...yg mne weekend yg x de org pn kami kne g kije n sgt menyeramkn ofis kami sbb dgr cite de antu hensem kt situ.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
abang jnji tkkn buat lg (copy from isu hangat)
Ada sepasang suami isteri yang hidup bahagia. Tidak ada kurangnya bagi pasangan yang dilimpahi dengan kemewahan ini kecuali satu, mereka tidak punya anak walaupun telah lama berumah tangga. Sering mereka bercerita tentang betapa indahnya hidup sekiranya punya seorang anak penyejuk mata. Rasa ini bergolak hebat apabila melihat kepada jiran sekeliling yang sentiasa riuh rendah dengan bunyi hilai ketawa anak-anak, kadang-kadang tangisan nyaring.
Apa yang menarik tentang pasangan Mr. & Mrs. Perfect ini:
Susun atur dalaman rumah mereka yang rapi, kekemasan sentiasa pada tahap maksimum dan semua benda mesti berjalan seperti yang dirancang dan dijadualkan. Rutin hidup mereka semuanya berjalan seperti dalam catatan diari dalam kerapian tahap tinggi. Nota semakan kerja rumah tergantung pada peti ais, pada white board pula senarai semakan keberkesanan, perancangan pula dalam buku management tersendiri. Dengan tekun semua ini diulang-ulang saban hari, minggu dan tahun.
Pada satu hari yang indah, si isteri bergegas memberitahu jiran tetangga berita gembira yang dikongsi bersama dengan sambutan syukur hampir seluruh kawasan kejiranan berhampiran. Menurut doktor, dia bakal menimang cahaya mata. Kegembiraan jelas terpancar pada pasangan ini, ucapan tahniah datang mencurah-curah.
Begitu pantas masa berlalu. Akhirnya sampailah saat yang mendebarkan, anak yang ditunggu dilahirkan dengan selamat. Bayi lelaki comel ini benar-benar memberi sinar pelengkap kasih sayang di dalam rumahitu.
Tiga tahun berlalu, anak lelaki ini membesar dengan sihat dan subur, sesubur perhatian dan belaian daripada ayah dan ibu. Namun berlaku sesuatu yang tidak diduga oleh ibunya selama ini. Anak lelaki ini mempunyai perangai yang seratus peratus berbeza dengan sikap ibunya.
Kalau ibunya sangat kemas, anak lelaki ini akan mengeromot segalanya. Rumah yang selama ini kemas teratur sering kali bertukar wajah menjadi seperti lepas perang, kena penangan anak ini. Keadaan tidak terkawal, anak ini mungkin telah dimanjakan berlebihan.
Si ibu merintih derita. Apa yang berlaku ini bertentangan sama sekali dengan kanun dirinya. Semua mesti sempurna! Sampai pada tahap ini si ibu selalu terlanjur cakap bahawa mempunyai anak sebenarnya satu kesilapan. Anak bukan penyejuk mata sebaliknya peragut ketenangan.
Bagi mendidik si anak, si ibu terpaksa menggunakan sedikit kekerasan, cubit, rotan dan meminta dia berikrar untuk tidak mengulanginya kembali.
“Mama, abang minta maaf … Abang tak akan ulang lagi.”
Itulah ungkapan yang diajar setiap kali kesalahan dibuat.
Satu lagi tabiat yang pelik bagi anak ini ialah dia akan mengoyak kertas yang dijumpainya dan dibiarkan bersepah merata-rata. Cubitan dan kemarahan tidak berjaya mengubah tingkah lakunya, dia masih dengan tabiat menyepah-nyepah, kemudian rumah jadi bingit dengan leteran danbahang kemarahan ibu. Begitulah yang sering berlaku.
Pada suatu hari si ibu bergegas mengemaskan rumah kerana kawan lamanya bakal datang melawat. Dia ke dapur memasak hidangan kepada tetamu yg bakal dtg.
Bila dia membawa makanan untuk dihidangkan, alangkah terkejutnya apabila dia melihat ruang tamu bersepah, sofa tunggang langgang dan koyakan kertas bertabur di mana-mana.
“Abang … mari sini!!” Jerit si ibu memanggil anaknya lebih kuat daripada biasa. Kemarahannya mencecah siling kesabaran dan membakar rentung ladang hemahnya.
Si anak ketakutan lalu lari meluru ke arah pintu. Si ibu mengejar dari belakang. Nafasnya tertahan-tahan menahan marah.. Kaki anak melangkah keluar dari rumahdengan larian deras. Sesaat dia telah berada di hadapan pagar.
Tiba-tiba terdengar satu bunyi hentaman keras. Larian ibu terhenti. Wajah terasa basah terpercik sesuatu. Dia terpaku … Alangkah terkejutnya apabila melihat anaknya menggelupur kesakitan berhampiran longkang besar di tepi rumahnya. Basah di muka tadi rupanya adalah darah anaknya.
Dia tidak mempedulikan lagi pada kereta yang melanggar, dia meluru mendapatkan anak dan merangkulnya. Darah merah ada di mana-mana, dada anak berombak-ombak, tubuh kekejangan, terdengar bunyi rengekan menahan sembilu kesakitan yang amat. Tanpa berlengah dia terus memandu keretanya, anak diletakkan ke atas ribanya, tubuhnya kini dibasahi darah merah segar anaknya, dia terus memecut laju ke hospital.
“Ya Allah … tolonglah selamatkan anakku ini.” Doanya dalam raungan kuat sambil memandu laju. Hon dibunyikan bertalu-talu minta laluan daripada pemandu lain.
“Ya Allah … aku tahu aku gagal menjadi seorang ibu yang baik tetapi aku memohon sekali ini … Ya Allah selamatkanlah anakku ini.”
Air matanya bercucuran dengan deras menitis, tumpah dan bergaul dengan darah merah anaknya. Perjalanan terasa begitu jauh dalam keadaan begini. Nafas anak tercungap-cungap. Dari mulut, hidung juga telinga darah terus mengalir begitu deras. Si anak bergelut dengan kesakitan, dada berombak kuat, setiap kali dia membuka mulutnya darah bercucuran keluar.
Anak seperti ingin menuturkan sesuatu, ibu menangis semahunya.
“Mama maafkan abang …” Ungkapannya sukar …tersekat-sekat kerana kesakitan itu.
“… Abang janji tak akan buat lagi.”
Itulah ucapan yang selalu dituturkan apabila ibunya marah. Ibu memegang mulut anak, hatinya menangis. Bukan ini yang ibu mahu dengar.
Sebaik sampai di hospital, anak dikejarkan ke bahagian kecemasan. Ibu menunggu di luar, dia membuat panggilan kepada suami dan mengurus segala prosedur yang patut. Dengan baju dipenuhi darah tanpa merasa malu pada orang sekeliling yang melihatnya, dia menangis sekuat hati, rasa sesal mengasak kuat segenap ruang hatinya.
“Ya Allah berilah aku peluang kedua untuk menjadi seorang ibu yang baik, aku sedar akan kesalahanku …”
“Ya Allah selamatkanlah anakku hari ini …”
Doa tidak pernah putus dari bibirnya dengan permohonan setulus-tulusnya kepada tuhan.
Setelah lama menunggu, tiba-tiba doktor keluar. Bebola matanya merenung penuh pengharapan pada doktor.
“Puan, maafkan … Kami telah cuba melakukan yang terbaik.”
Patah bicara doktor satu-satu menyusun kalimah.
“Anak puan … Telah meninggal dunia.”
Hanya itu yang mampu dituturkan, walaupun selalu tetapi tetap sukar untuk menjelaskannya kepada ibu ini.
Dunia terasa seperti pasir jerlus yang menyedut dengan deras ke dalam, kepingan langit sekeping-sekeping menghempas ubun-ubun kepalanya. Alangkah sakitnya hakikat ini. Dalam tangisan berderai, dia meluru dan merangkul sekujur tubuh anaknya dengan mata tertutup rapat, kesakitan telah tiada bersama nafasnya yang berangkat pergi buat selama-lamanya.
“Anak … Kamu tidak mendapat apa yang sepatutnya ibu berikan di sepanjang perjalanan pendekmu ini …”
Ibu mencium semahu-mahunya. Namun wajah itu hanya kaku, dingin sekali.
Jenazahnya kemudian diuruskan sehingga selesai sempurna.
Malam itu apabila lampu tidur dimatikan dan kawasan kejiranan sunyi ibu keluar ke kawasan tong sampah di hadapan rumah. Dia menyelongkar sampah semalam mencari koyakan kertas anaknya. Malam itu di ruang tamurumahnyapenuh koyakan kertas yang ditaburkan.
Dengan nada lemah sekali bersama lelehan air mata hangat ibu berkata, “Alangkah indah andainya ini yang ibu lihat pada setiap hari disepanjang hidup ini.”
“Ibu rindu kepadamu … Ibu rindu kepada nakalmu … Ibu rindu pada koyakan kertas ini, tetapi kenapa ibu buta tentangnya selama ini?”
Tangisan hanya saksi bisu dengan irama tersendiri, namun hakikat yang terpaksa direngguk ialah semua itu tidak boleh diulang lagi. Anak comel itu tidak akan pulang lagi ke rumah sampai bila-bila.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
"maafkan diri ini kerana berlaku keji terhadap dirimu. aku insan hina lg lemah terlalu jauh terpesong. aku berdosa dgn dirimu dan aku berjanji tdk akn menganggu hidupmu lg. aku terlalu byk menyusahkn hidupmu. YA ALLAH, KAU TABAHKANLAH HATI HAMBAMU"
MAAF. org spt aku mmg tdk lyk di sayangi. ampunkn aku. aku redha dgn ujian ALLAH. aku sedang menerima balasan dr DIA. aku brjnji dlm diri ini yg aku tkkn trma spe2 hadir dlm hdup aku.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
holiday trip
Saturday : follow my sister trip
Sunday: Teluk Intan - Lumut - Johor
Monday - Thursday : Family day
Friday: Working day
Saturday n Sunday: joging
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
su da nk kawen
ni pic sue n bakal laki die....
sue a.k.a Syarifah Norsyuhadah actually is my best friend during my diploma study. sgt rapat dgn die selain Aisyah. die sgt manje n suke wt lawak. now she's getting married and it makes me depress. hahahaha....rse mcm "oh!...OMG...da ley kawen da ghupenye kwn2 aku dlm umur gini...n..turn aku?..eceh..."
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
HK, s'pore visit
day 2:- lawatan ke CEDD tersebut berlangsung selama 2 jam. kira-kira pada pukul 10:30 pagi, kami bertolak meninggalkan CEDD dan menunggu bas untuk ke Mongkok pula. malangnya bas yang kami tunggu lewat sampai iaitu kira-kira 2 jam kami menunggu. pada pukul 12:30 tengah hari kami bertolak pula untuk ke mongkok.
Di mongkok kami singgah ke Ladys Street. disitu jika di Malaysia ibarat seperti Petaling Street. terdapat banyak barang-barang yang di jual seperti baju, kasut, souvenir, bag, dan sebagainya yang mana ia di jual dengan harga yang murah iaitu dengan harga yang kita boleh bargain. kami sempat singgah ke kedai menjual pakaian bundle dan membeli winter coat. di ladys street, cara jualan barangan sangat menakutkan yang mana once kita bertanya harga is consider buy. jika tidak, mereka akan marah atau meminta sepaksa paksanya supaya kita membeli.
pulang dari mongkok kami menaiki bas ke Kowloon dan singgah di Kowloon mosque. tambang bas untuk ke sana berjumlah $40 untuk 9 orang penumpang iaitu kami. sampai di masjid kami solat jamak then kami melihat majority di dalam masjid tersebut adalah warga indonesia. disitu mereka aktif melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti keagamaan seperti berzikir secara berjemaah, memberi ceramah keagamaan dan sebagainya.
masjid tersebut di bina dengan 3 tingkat dan sangat menarik ukiran senibinanya.setelah solat, kami ke halal restorant ziafat yang mana terdapat makanan ala-ala arab. kami menempah nasi bariani yang berharga $55 dan spagheti yang berharga $45. sesudah makan, kami pulang ke causeway bay menaiki MTR yang mana turun ke Times Square. dari Times Square kami berjalan kaki menuju ke penginapan kami iaitu Crown Plaza Hotel.
be +ve strong....
smg thun 2010 membawa keberkatan dalam hdup kita
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