Monday, March 16, 2009

WEDDING…aku mau kawennnn

ni tag i kne dr jah ori...jahyah...jah sarina...jah..urmm...spe lg nth...ok2..aku berenti wt asgmnt sqa jp semata mata nk jwb tag ni....suke2....aku suke...suke nk kawen...kawen je taw la..lempang lelaju ckit aku.... old are you?
23…eh…x caye…jp2..nk tnye jahyah balik..tol x ea jahyah?..slalu x caye da 23…OMG

2.are you single?
ekceli ….. urmmm…..

3.At what age do you think you'll get married?
25 or 26…..I’ALLAH lau de rezeki. If not?...exceed 26 x de org msuk minang…aku suh je mk aku crkn

4.Do you think you'll be marrying the person you are with now?
I’ALLAH….aku caye kn jodoh…yg penting usaha….doa…if not assume x de jodoh…tp…harapan tu menggunung

5.if not, who do you want to marry?
Gong Chan (Hero MY Girl tu) lau die msuk Islam la….bpk nafsu besa aku…agagagaa…oh gong chan….will u marry me?...u do!!!!??..OMG…..jom2 tempah pelamin skg

6.who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
My best friend, My boyfriend…x…My x ley gk sbb noli lg cun dr aku…x ley2…t sume org nk tgk noli…bkn tgk aku….urmmm….my cousin….or…my mum??..can or cannot?. you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
kompem traditional….adat tu jgn dlupekn…especially adat tol2 ni kn….abg cyg…t jgn lupe ye u kne sdiakn money byk2 tuk byr tol

8.where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
urm…..sround Malaysia pn x pe…save budget ke ape ni?..x..x…byk ag tmpt yg best kt M’sia many guests do you think you'll invite?
org kg+org ump+org tmpt keje+peminat2 aku (ade ke?pls la ayu) = 1000++

10.will that include your exes?
of course…but…die nk dtg or x tu terpulang la… many layers of cake do you want?
lau gne layer adobe photoshop lebey 1000 ley wt….aku nk ikut layer cm photoshop ley?...agagaga….barai poket laki aku kang

12.when do you want to get married, morning or evening?
x mo tgh abg long aku tu,..siap mndi peluh..….ptg or pg la gitu….mlm?...urm…penat la..t x ley kang nk 10 round the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
ala…musti mak aku….jiran2 aku…org2 rewang(org tua) nk lagu2 60-an die….tkr2…aku nk sume linkin park..ley?...mak…ley kn mak?... you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon & fork n knife?
due2….gne chopstick pn ade lau nk gne…sbb nk jmput gong chan kn…(u bwk kwn2 u tau gong chan, jgn bwk yoo rin…t I jeles tau)

15.champange or red wine?

Air indah water ley? aissss...ais..sss jibeng? bpk aku prefer air JKR.....ha3...ok2…jgn baling kerusi…air byk…aku mmg da lme plan sdiakn 1 booth tuk air bebanyak…katira…sirap bandung cincau….soya…carrot susu….keladi….byk choice…refuel je lau nk ag…

16.honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
2 day after weeding….tlg ape yg ptut lu….cian sedare mare…. or household item?
household, set sofa….tv plasma…pn x pe ye kwn2 ku…..yg penting ade peti ais… x agk2 org nk kasi many kids would you like to have?
4-5….alaa….lau ank x sngaja tu nk wt cane…rezeki….tp limit 5 je….

19.will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
kompem…..wt slide show dpn ank2 t….bru ank2 taw mak die cun…ayh die encem….

20.whose wedding plan would you like to know?

X taw spe beb….sume org da kne tag…so aku tag jahfar ley?ape kate jahfar…